About me
Born in Amsterdam to an American father and Dutch mother,
I grew up in California and have been in Germany for over 20 years. I speak German fluently, however, English is still my mother tongue and it’s always a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak it. Language to me is more than just words, it has an emotional component, and it’s therefore my privilege to be able to offer therapy in English or German, depending on what you are more comfortable with.
Aside from 3 semesters of psychology at a university in California, I’ve done all of my training in Germany. I started with a one-year program in ILP Coaching by Dietmar Friedmann (Integrierte Lösungsorientierte Psychologie), followed by a one-year program in hypnosis therapy, training in Havening Techniques, and simultaneously the certification process to practice therapy in Germany, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie (HPP).
My husband of 18 years, a physician specialized in orthopedic rehabilitation, and I have two amazing bilingual teenaged children. We love the outdoors, staying physically active, eating healthy food, and long talks about the fine line between the physical and psychological causes of human ailments.

Zusammen mit meinem Mann, der Facharzt für Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin ist, habe ich zwei wunderbare zweisprachige Kinder im Teenageralter. Wir lieben die Natur, gesundes Essen, Bewegung an der frischen Luft und Gespräche über die fragliche Grenze zwischen körperlichen und psychischen Ursachen sämtlicher Beschwerden.